ULP S2 Unicolor Digital Sensor

ULP S2 Unicolor Digital Sensor

The S2 Unicolour Digital Sensor is designed for the simple test of ON/OFF status and color check of single color LED, with a one-bit digital output. This quickly determines a PASS/FAIL decision without further processing by the ATE.

Universal Light Probe S2 Unicolor Digital Sensors

The S2 Unicolour Digital Sensor is designed for the simple test of ON/OFF status and color check of single color LED, with a one-bit digital output. This quickly determines a PASS/FAIL decision without further processing by the ATE.

The Universal LightProbe S2 Unicolour Digital Sensor tests the target LED’s color by providing a Logic “1” voltage output (5 volts) only if the LED is the color specified for the S2 Unicolor Digital Sensor, e.g., blue, green, yellow, orange, red or white. The Sensor will be insensitive to the wrong color, with a Logic “0” output (0 volts). The Sensor provides optimum ATE/ICT Pin Board/memory interface for fast digital burst mode LED test.


  • Response time: <10mS capture time; <65mS overall response time
  • Signal output loads: 20 mA max. Non-inductive

Colour Response

  • Tests a target LED color by providing a Logic “1” voltage output (5 volts) only if the LED is the color specified and is ON.
  • Tests five main LED colors: blue, green, yellow/amber, orange or red, plus white
  • Sensor is insensitive to the ‘wrong’ color
  • Provides optimum ATE/ICT pinboard/memory interface for fast digital burst mode LED test

Intensity Response

  • Unicolor Digital Sensors do not provide an intensity output
  • When detecting the correct color, Unicolour Digital Sensors respond to a wide dynamic range of LED intensity
  • No adjustments for intensity are necessary

For more information, please contact us.