ULP S2 Ultra High Sensitivity Sensors

ULP S2 Ultra High Sensitivity Sensors

The S2 Ultra High Sensitivity Sensor is designed for the test of very dim LEDs, as low as 0.01 mcd minimum. They will also test very low light-level LED-illuminated action-indicator switches, controls, and status indicators for night/dark viewing in auto-mobile interiors.

Universal Light Probe S2 Ultra-High Sensitivity Sensors

The S2 Ultra High Sensitivity Sensor is designed for the test of very dim LEDs, as low as 0.01 mcd minimum. They will also test very low light-level LED-illuminated action-indicator switches, controls, and status indicators for night/dark viewing in auto-mobile interiors.

It is recommended that wide-aperture stainless steel encased fiber optic probes with contacting tips are used with this sensor.

The Universal LightProbe S2 Ultra High Sensitivity Sensor is able to accurately and reliably determine whether an LED is actually illuminated even though it may only be visible in complete darkness. The Universal LightProbe S2 Ultra-High Sensitivity Sensors are “color-blind,” for the test of any color LED, providing a Logic “1” output (5 volts) only if the LED is “ON”, and Logic “0” if the LED is “OFF”.


  • Response time: <10 mS capture time; <100 mS overall response time
  • Signal Output Load: 20mA max. (Source/Sink). Non-inductive

ON/OFF Response

  • Tests the ON/OFF status of any color LED
  • Provides a Logic “1” output of 5 volts only if the LED is ON and a Logic “0” if the LED is OFF”
  • Color-blind” sensor will check the ON/OFF status of any LED
  • Provides the simplest and fastest 1-bit digital interface to automatic test equipment, requiring no further PASS/FAIL processing by the ATE software

Intensity Response

  • Ultra-High Sensitivity Sensors do not provide an intensity output
  • Ultra-High Sensitivity Sensors respond to a wide dynamic range of LED intensity without adjustment
  • Will test surface-mount LEDs of 0.01 mcd minimum
  • Will test finished product LED displays, e.g. RJ45 T-1 / 3mm LEDs of 0.15 mcd min.

For more information, please contact us.