About Columbia Elektronik
We know testing and we understand the testing processes, the tools of the trade, and the key performance indicators that testing is judged on. Here at Columbia we aim to be a long-term partner that provides cost-effective and innovative systems.
We are experts on delivering complete test fixture solutions!
We cover the whole spectra with test systems, test fixtures, mass interconnect solutions, and both hardware and software support and services.
We design and produce both our own and vendor-delivered test fixtures and mass interconnects solutions for functional and in-circuit tests of electronic products and assemblies from component and PCB level to subassemblies and finished products. Columbia excels in all modern fixturing technologies – be it vacuum-actuated, mechanical, or pneumatic – applied to stand-alone, tester-integrated, or inline fixtures.
Our Sustainability Policy
Relevant documents
Code Of Conduct EN 2023
Supplier Code Of Conduct EN 2023
Environmental Policy 2023
Equality Diversity Policy 2023
Whistleblower Function
Addtech strives to maintain a transparent business climate and high business ethics. We value the safety and respect of everyone affected by our business. Because of this, we offer a Whistleblower service that can be used by anyone to report irregularities that goes against our values and Code of Conduct. To ensure anonymity for the whistleblower function, we use and external partner, Whistle B.
Follow the link to get to the external whistleblower site. There you can find further information and choose more languages: https://report.whistleb.com/en/addtech
Sustainable Business
100% of sales contributing to sustainable development
Organisation Sustainability
50% reduction in CO2 intensity and 40% women in leading positions
Supply Chain
80% of purchased volume assessed by Code of Conduct
To achieve our vision and targets, as well as develop our business over time, Columbia Elektronik works in line with this policy and integrate sustainability into the business. We aim to establish strong partnerships in the value chain. Our main objective is to grow with sustainable profitability and minimize negative impacts while maximizing positive impact on people, society, and the planet. We will regularly evaluate risks and opportunities, work systematically to mitigate risks, develop opportunities, and aim towards our targets.
All communication, including reporting, is clear, transparent, and distinct, and interactions with our stakeholders are key. Columbia Elektronik shall always comply, at minimum, with applicable laws and regulations, but the direction is towards best practices.
The Code of Conduct is the guideline for business ethics for all employees within the company. We shall always conduct business with a high degree of integrity. We inform and educate our employees to integrate sustainability perspectives and aspects into daily operations within our company. The Supplier Code of Conduct should be known and set as the minimum level for our suppliers.
People and Society
We are committed to being a positive force in the society where we are active and providing good working conditions in our group as well as in our supply chain.
- Anyone who works directly or indirectly for Columbia Elektronik shall be entitled to have their basic human rights respected.
- We do not permit discrimination or harassment in any form.
- Employees shall be given the same opportunities for development regardless of gender, age, ethnic origin, religion, political views, sexual orientation, disability, or other distinguishing features.
- We ensure a good work environment from a physical, psychological, and social point of view and strive to be attractive employers.
- We always provide safe and healthy working environments and strive towards our zero vision of work-related accidents.
- We do not accept that employees work under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- We do not accept corruption, bribes, or unfair anti-competitive practices. Procurement, sales, and marketing of our products and services must be handled professionally and in line with relevant legislation and regulations.
- We comply with applicable anti-corruption legislation and regulations.
- We comply with the tax laws and tax rules of each country where Columbia Elektronik operates.
- Columbia Elektronik works systematically towards good working conditions in the supply chain.
- All suppliers related to high risks shall be evaluated and audited.
The Planet
We are committed to reducing our environmental footprint, focusing on reducing emissions, protecting nature and biodiversity, and ensuring the sustainable use of resources.
- We aim to reduce our effect on the climate by optimizing the transportation of goods, and all consumed energy (electricity, heating, cooling) should be used efficiently and preferably based on renewable sources.
- All travel should be evaluated from the perspective of emissions, business necessity, time efficiency, and economy.
- We work to optimize the use of resources such as energy, fuel, raw materials, waste, water, and land in our operations and to avoid the use of hazardous chemicals.
- We promote the transition towards a circular economy.
- We include environmental aspects early in our decision-making processes.
The Way Forward
We expect and encourage our suppliers, subcontractors, and all business partners to work in line with our sustainability policy and our Supplier Code of Conduct. We strongly believe that the way forward towards a more sustainable industry includes partnership and cooperation from a broad perspective.
Our sustainability policy is a summary of underlying policies and accounts for our commitments within the area. For more detailed information, please read our Code of Conduct, Supplier Code of Conduct, Environmental Policy, and Equality and Diversity Policy.